On Wed, 2017-08-09 at 09:04 -0400, intrigeri wrote:
> Control: fixed -1 2.11.0-9
> Hi!
> Phil Wyett:
> > Cannot open links via evince (PDF) when chromium is default browser.
> Thank you for this report. This was reported (outside of the BTS)
> against testing/sid a few days ago, and I believe I've fixed it in sid
> in 2.11.0-9.
> I intend to propose an update to fix this, and a number of other
> AppArmor policy issues, in Stretch. The case for this update will be
> easier to make if you test on Stretch the exact diff applied between
> 2.11.0-8 and 2.11.0-9. Can you please do this? :)
> Cheers,


Ahem... Reported outside BTS. Anything not in BTS, does not exist. ;-)

As requested, but no link supplied to help me. I have tested patch:


All is good and the issue as reported is fixed when this patch is applied.



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