On Tue, 08 Aug 2017, Graham Bosworth wrote:

>    ### Note that this is from Gentoo, rather than Debian


>    On a Pentium at 200MHz, 

wow!!! do you have a physical beast like that from 90s?

> it seems that it can indeed terminate    prematurely.

any chance you could also try 0.9.7 version?  or even better (eventually
we will switch there) 0.10 branch version from github (there was lots of
changed behaviors, hopefully for the best)

Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Center for Open Neuroscience     http://centerforopenneuroscience.org
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834                       Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419
WWW:   http://www.linkedin.com/in/yarik        

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