Op 08-08-17 om 00:57 schreef Daniel Kahn Gillmor:> On Mon 2017-08-07
19:57:41 +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
>> I did now as root:
>> dpkg-divert --local --rename --divert \
>>   /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop-disable \
>>   --add /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop
>> And I logged out and in again. Now I can use Enigmail, but it works not
>> really nice. Before I could turn-on encrypting and signing using the
>> menu. Now it says default "encrypt (auto)" and it's not clear if it's
>> encrypting or not. If I click on it, it says "encrypt" without "(auto)"
>> and then it works, but I cannot turn it off anymore using the menu. But
>> maybe this is new and normal.
> Are you talking about during message composition?


> there is a big enigmail toolbar that should be at the top of each
> composition window.  it has two buttons, one for signing, and one for
> encryption.  those buttons should be very clear whether they're selected
> or not.  If you don't have the toolbar, maybe its been customized away?

That's possible.

> can you do "View | Toolbars | Enigmail Toolbar" ?

This helps!

> I think maybe the other report that you're making here is that the
> checkboxes on thunderbird 53 menus on jessie are not visible.


> I can confirm that:

<image was removed>

> I've cloned this bug to document that problem and bring it to the
> attention of the thunderbird devs.

Nice to hear.

>> So I think what other people with this probleme have to do is:
>> ---------
>> echo "use-agent" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
>> sudo dpkg-divert --local --rename --divert \
>>   /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop-disable \
>>   --add /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop
>> logout and login again.
>> ---------
> That sounds plausible.  i could even consider shipping the
> dpkg-diversion in the jessie version of enigmail, if the gnome-keyring
> maintainers are OK with it.  (or they could ship an update in jessie
> that disables it too)

Maybe think about it. A message after the upgrade of Enigmail would be
an simple alternative.

> But really, users should be encouraged to upgrade to stretch :)
I have many customers who buy a laptop with Debian from me, but do not
come when there is a new version. And organizations what cannot upgrade
before much testing. Jessie has security support, and that is important.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

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