On Sat, 05 Aug 2017 18:16:27 +0300 Al Nikolov <cl...@debian.org> wrote:
Hi Ghislain.
Please see [1] for an RFS bug template.
I have been contributing to Debian long-enough to get to know the RFS
how-to. Thanks for the reminder anyway.
What is still missing in your report, is the link to the published
package itself you want to be sponsored.
You mean the tip of the packaging repository tagged with the Debian
version matching the title of the RFS?
It should lead essentially to the `.dsc` file (m.d.n lists them
automatically if you upload there). Mentioning "it can be build with
gdb" is not enough and cloning Git repository in order to simply build
a package is a nuisance. Both put unnecessary restrictions on the
sponsorship process.
Funny you should say that, this advice to provide the link to the
packaging repository was given to me by past sponsors. I have got months
of past RFS processed that way.
In fact, you'd probably have to use the packaging repository to verify
that the uploaded .dsc matches the tip of the packaging repository. So,
one might as well just let the sponsor generate the .dsc himself, which
is just one `gbp buildpackage -d -S` away.