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On 2017-07-24 08:17 AM, Jose M Calhariz wrote:
> Hi, > > Can you please attach your amanda,conf file and a listing of the >
contents of your > holdingdisk? > > Kind regards > Jose M Calhariz Hi,
The holding disk is just a pile of TARs in DLE format, e.g.

root@flamen:/amanda-holding-disk/20170720024701# ls
flamen.romanus.ca._.1     flamen.romanus.ca._.1.3  flamen.romanus.ca._.1.6
flamen.romanus.ca._.1.1  flamen.romanus.ca._.1.4  flamen.romanus.ca._.1.7
flamen.romanus.ca._.1.2  flamen.romanus.ca._.1.5  flamen.romanus.ca._.1.8

root@flamen:/amanda-holding-disk/20170720024701# head flamen.romanus.ca._.1
AMANDA: FILE 20170720024701 flamen.romanus.ca /  lev 1 comp .gz program

And just to be certain...

root@flamen:/etc/amanda/vtl# amgetconf vtl taperflush

Attached are amanda.conf and advanced.conf (the template dumptypes and
tapetypes are the standard distribution).

Many thanks,
Version: GnuPG v2


org "Romanus"                   # your organization name for reports
mailto "w...@romanus.ca" # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpuser "backup"

dumpcycle 7                    # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 5                 # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
                               # (1 week * 5 amdump runs per week -- just 
tapecycle 40 tapes             # the number of tapes in rotation
                               # 1 week (dumpcycle) times 30 tapes per week 
                               # the weekdays) plus a few to handle errors that
                               # need amflush and so we do not overwrite the 
                               # backups performed at the begi6ning of the 
                               # cycle
runtapes  6                    # number of tapes to be used in a single run of 

define changer "HP G2" {
    tpchanger "chg-robot:/dev/LTOchanger"
    property "tape-device" "0=tape:/dev/nst0"
    property "use-slots" "1-7"
    property "load-poll" "13s poll 5s"
    device-property "LEOM" "TRUE" 

define changer "archivedisks" {
    tpchanger "chg-disk:/amandatapes"
    property "num-slot" "45"
    property "auto-create-slot" "yes"

tpchanger "archivedisks"
tapetype HARDDISK               # what kind of tape it is 
labelstr "^vtl[0-9][0-9]*$"     # label constraint regex: all tapes must match
dtimeout 4800                          # number of idle seconds before a dump 
is aborted.
ctimeout 30                            # maximum number of seconds that amcheck 
                                       # for each client host
etimeout 600                           # number of seconds per filesystem for 

define dumptype global {
        comment "Global definitions"
        auth "bsdtcp"

#define application-tool and dumptype for the amgtar application
define application-tool app_amgtar {
    comment "amgtar"
    plugin  "amgtar"
    #property "GNUTAR-PATH" "/path/to/gtar"
    #property "GNUTAR-LISTDIR" "/path/to/gnutar_list_dir"

define dumptype gui-base {
        program "APPLICATION"
        application "app_amgtar"
        comment "gui base dumptype dumped with tar"
        compress none
        index yes

define tapetype HARDDISK {
    comment "Virtual Tapes"
    length 19768960 kbytes
    part_size 500 mbytes
    part_cache_type none

includefile "./advanced.conf"
includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/dumptypes"
includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/tapetypes"
inparallel 4            # maximum dumpers that will run in parallel (max 63)
                        # this maximum can be increased at compile-time,
                        # modifying MAX_DUMPERS in server-src/driverio.h

dumporder "BTBTBTBT"    # specify the priority order of each dumper
                        #   s -> smallest size
                        #   S -> biggest size
                        #   t -> smallest time
                        #   T -> biggest time
                        #   b -> smallest bandwidth
                        #   B -> biggest bandwitdh
                        # try "BTBTBTBTBTBT" if you are not holding
                        # disk constrained

taperalgo first         # The algorithm used to choose which dump image to send
                        # to the taper.

                        # Possible values: 
                        # Default: first. 

                        # first         First in - first out.
                        # firstfit      The first dump image that will fit on 
the current tape.
                        # largest       The largest dump image.
                        # largestfit    The largest dump image that will fit on 
the current tape.
                        # smallest      The smallest dump image.
                        # last          Last in - first out.
displayunit "g"         # Possible values: "k|m|g|t"
                        # Default: k. 
                        # The unit used to print many numbers.
                        # k=kilo, m=mega, g=giga, t=tera
netusage  100000 Kbps   # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec

bumpsize 20 Mb          # minimum savings (threshold) to bump level 1 -> 2
bumppercent 20          # minimum savings (threshold) to bump level 1 -> 2
bumpdays 1              # minimum days at each level

# By default, Amanda can only track at most one run per calendar day. When
# the usetimestamps option is enabled, however, Amanda can track as many
# runs as you care to make.
# WARNING: This option is not backward-compatible. Do not enable it if you
#          intend to downgrade your server installation to any version
#          earlier than Amanda 2.5.1
usetimestamps yes

device_output_buffer_size 1280k
                        # amount of buffer space to use when writing to devices

# If you want Amanda to automatically label any non-Amanda tapes it
# encounters, uncomment the line below. Note that this will ERASE any
# non-Amanda tapes you may have, and may also ERASE any near-failing tapes.
# Use with caution.
## autolabel "DailySet1-%%%" empty
maxdumpsize -1          # Maximum total size the planner will schedule
                        # for a run (default: runtapes * tape_length) (kbytes).
bumpmult 4              # threshold = bumpsize * bumpmult^(level-1)

amrecover_changer "changer"     # amrecover will use the changer if you restore
    # from this device. It could be a string like 'changer' and amrecover will 
use your
    # changer if you set your tape to 'changer' with 'setdevice changer' or via 
    # 'tapedev "changer"' in amanda-client.conf

# If amanda cannot find a tape on which to store backups, it will run
# as many backups as it can to the holding disks.  In order to save
# space for unattended backups, by default, amanda will only perform
# incremental backups in this case, i.e., it will reserve 100% of the
# holding disk space for the so-called degraded mode backups.
# However, if you specify a different value for the `reserve'
# parameter, amanda will not degrade backups if they will fit in the
# non-reserved portion of the holding disk.

# reserve 30 # percent
# This means save at least 30% of the holding disk space for degraded
# mode backups.  

autoflush no 
# if autoflush is set to yes, then amdump will schedule all dump on
# holding disks to be flush to tape during the run.

# Amanda needs a few Mb of diskspace for the log and debug files,
# as well as a database.  This stuff can grow large, so the conf directory
# isn't usually appropriate.  Some sites use /usr/local/var and some /usr/adm.
# Create an amanda directory under there.  You need a separate infofile and
# logdir for each configuration, so create subdirectories for each conf and
# put the files there.  Specify the locations below.

# Note that, although the keyword below is infofile, it is only so for
# historic reasons, since now it is supposed to be a directory (unless
# you have selected some database format other than the `text' default)
infofile "/etc/amanda/vtl/curinfo"      # database DIRECTORY
logdir   "/etc/amanda/vtl"              # log directory
indexdir "/etc/amanda/vtl/index"        # index directory
#tapelist "@CONFIG_DIR/DailySet1/tapelist"      # list of used tapes
# tapelist is stored, by default, in the directory that contains amanda.conf

# Specify holding disks.  These are used as a temporary staging area for
# dumps before they are written to tape and are recommended for most sites.
# The advantages include: tape drive is more likely to operate in streaming
# mode (which reduces tape and drive wear, reduces total dump time); multiple
# dumps can be done in parallel (which can dramatically reduce total dump time.
# The main disadvantage is that dumps on the holding disk need to be flushed
# (with amflush) to tape after an operating system crash or a tape failure.
# If no holding disks are specified then all dumps will be written directly
# to tape.  If a dump is too big to fit on the holding disk than it will be
# written directly to tape.  If more than one holding disk is specified then
# they will all be used based on activity and available space.

holdingdisk hd1 {
    comment "main holding disk"
    directory "/amanda-holding-disk"    # where the holding disk is
    use -100 Mb         # how much space can we use on it
                        # a non-positive value means:
                        #        use all space but that value
    chunksize 1Gb       # size of chunk if you want big dump to be
                        # dumped on multiple files on holding disks
                        #  N Kb/Mb/Gb split images in chunks of size N
                        #             The maximum value should be
                        #             (MAX_FILE_SIZE - 1Mb)
                        #  0          same as INT_MAX bytes
# network interfaces
# These are referred to by the disklist file.  They define the attributes
# of the network interface that the remote machine is accessed through.
# Notes: - netusage above defines the attributes t
#          disklist entry doesn't specify otherwise.
#        - the values below are only samples.
#        - specifying an interface does not force the traffic to pass
#          through that interface.  Your OS routing tables do that.  This
#          is just a mechanism to stop Amanda trashing your network.
# Attributes are:
#       use             - bandwidth above which amanda won't start
#                         backups using this interface.  Note that if
#                         a single backup will take more than that,
#                         amanda won't try to make it run slower!

define interface local {
    comment "a local disk"
    use 8000 kbps

define interface bond0 {
    comment "1000 Mbps ethernet"
    use 200000 kbps

Attachment: amanda.conf.sig
Description: PGP signature

Attachment: advanced.conf.sig
Description: PGP signature

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