Norman Ramsey <> wrote:
 |> Norman Ramsey <> wrote:
 |>  ...
 |>|I expected /usr/bin/heirloom-mailx to be an alternative on this menu.
 |>|This is possibly the same bug as 858080, but I don't know enough
 |>|Debian jargon to know for sure.
 |> The just released S-nail/mailx v14.9.0 adds support for custom
 |> headers, so one could possibly hope something moves on.
 |> That is all i (as the S-nail maintainer) can do,
 |Sorry, I think I misunderstand something.  I would think that
 |participation in update-alternatives would be a packaging issue, not
 |an upstream issue.  And I don't see a connection to custom headers...

It was my understanding that we have been removed as an
alternative because we did not support custom headers: it seems
some scripts (a pretty bad shell script has been linked to in one
of those Debian issues), i think it had something to do with cron
.. anacron maybe it was?) relied on an -a command line option to
add custom headers.

This -a seems to be a Debian extension to BSD Mail that has been
introduced some months after nail->Heirloom mailx->S-nail
introduced -a for adding attachments, i.e., this usage has always
been broken, then.

And thus, because of this situation, i interpreted those reports
one of which you referred to as social pressure a.k.a. lobbyism to
get custom header support in the thing i maintain.  (Moreover,
a functioning predecessor was available at that time already, in
fact since January 2016, but i was not happy and the environment
as such was absolutely not right to make a release.  And of course
we do not offer -a, because that is taken for attachments, and
i think that makes more sense than -a meaning custom headers.)

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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