On Wednesday 16 February 2005 01:13 pm, Emmanuel Kasper wrote:
> Package: aptitude
> Version:
> Followup-For: Bug #286974
> Hello
> I will be very verbose, in the hope it can helps.
> I have exactly the same problem as described in the first bug rebort, ie
> after addind entries to /etc/apt/sources.list, aptitude update does not
> work, but apt-get update does the job.

  Since the bug in question was fixed in version 0.2.14, that's not 
surprising.  (I think this was discussed in private mail but didn't make it 
into the bug log)  What is surprising is that the original submitter of this 
bug was apparently using version 0.2.15, which shouldn't exhibit this 
particular bug.


/------------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ------------------\
|     You are standing west of a white house.  There is a mailbox here.     |
\--- News without the $$ -- National Public Radio -- http://www.npr.org ---/

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