Source: haskell-test-framework-th-prime
Version: 0.0.9-3
Severity: serious
Tags: buster sid

[1 of 2] Compiling Test.Framework.TH.Prime.Parser ( 
dist-ghc/build/Test/Framework/TH/Prime/Parser.o )

Test/Framework/TH/Prime/Parser.hs:55:42: error:
    * Expecting one more argument to `Module'
      Expected a type, but `Module' has kind `* -> *'
    * In the first argument of `ParseResult', namely `Module'
      In the first argument of `IO', namely `ParseResult Module'
      In the type signature:
        parseTest :: FilePath -> IO (ParseResult Module)

Test/Framework/TH/Prime/Parser.hs:89:14: error:
    * Expecting one more argument to `Decl'
      Expected a type, but `Decl' has kind `* -> *'
    * In the type signature:
        isFunBind :: Decl -> Bool

Test/Framework/TH/Prime/Parser.hs:93:14: error:
    * Expecting one more argument to `Decl'
      Expected a type, but `Decl' has kind `* -> *'
    * In the type signature:
        isPatBind :: Decl -> Bool

Test/Framework/TH/Prime/Parser.hs:97:16: error:
    * Expecting one more argument to `Decl'
      Expected a type, but `Decl' has kind `* -> *'
    * In the type signature:
        fromPatBind :: Decl -> String

Test/Framework/TH/Prime/Parser.hs:107:16: error:
    * Expecting one more argument to `Decl'
      Expected a type, but `Decl' has kind `* -> *'
    * In the type signature:
        fromFunBind :: Decl -> String
/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ recipe for target 'build-ghc-stamp' 
make: *** [build-ghc-stamp] Error 1

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