Control: tag -1 + moreinfo


Jason J. Ayala P.:
> I was debugging why obfs4proxy was failing to load in Debian 9 (Whonix 14 
> developers), 
> without any helpful error messages in the log. I notice that if I changed the 
> AA execution
> permissions in abstractions/tor for obfsproxy to ix instead of PUx,
> it loads.

Do you mean obfs4proxy (rather than obfsproxy) i.e.:

  -  /usr/bin/obfs4proxy PUx,
  +  /usr/bin/obfs4proxy ix,


Do you have any AppArmor policy enabled for obfs4proxy? (use aa-status)

Please also try to see if environment variable scrubbing is involved
(with NoNewPrivileges=yes):

  -  /usr/bin/obfs4proxy PUx,
  +  /usr/bin/obfs4proxy Pux,

But don't ship that to users please.

And finally, please also try this (with NoNewPrivileges=yes):

  -  /usr/bin/obfs4proxy PUx,
  +  /usr/bin/obfs4proxy Pix,


  -  /usr/bin/obfs4proxy PUx,
  +  /usr/bin/obfs4proxy pix,

Full disclosure: I've just noticed that we've been setting
NoNewPrivileges=no in Tails for a year to fix this very problem, but
apparently I totally failed at reporting this upstream back then.
Sorry! :(


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