This object file contains data from Telegram/Resources/art/emoji.webp. I believe the better solution would be to place all resources outside a executable binary.
I don't know how to split qrc_telegram_emoji.cpp (it's auto-generated file) into several pieces at this moment. 18.04.2017 05:16, Aaron M. Ucko пишет:
Source: telegram-desktop Version: 1.0.29-1 Severity: important Justification: fails to build from source Builds of telegram-desktop for mips and mipsel failed because the compiler couldn't allocate enough memory to build qrc_telegram_emoji.o: cc1plus: out of memory allocating 245670072 bytes after a total of 46022656 bytes (mips) cc1plus: out of memory allocating 67108744 bytes after a total of 71057408 bytes (mipsel) Could you please take a look? Would it be possible to split qrc_telegram_emoji into more manageable compilation units? Thanks!