Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: important

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "dblatex"

  Package name    : dblatex
  Version         : 0.3.9-3
  Upstream Author : BenoƮt Guillon <>
  URL             :
  License         : GPL V2+
  Section         : text

It builds those binary packages:

  dblatex     - Produces DVI, PostScript, PDF documents from DocBook sources
  dblatex-doc - Documentation for dblatex

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x

Changes since the last upload:

  * Fix upgrade errors when dist-upgrading from jessie to stretch:
    + Change the dependency from meanwhile virtual package
      texlive-math-extra to its successor texlive-science.
      Closes: #863683
    + Remove the call of command mktexlsr in postrm as it may be
      temporarily unavailable when dblatex postrm is called and as it is
      superfluous (mktexlsr gets called via a trigger anyway).
    + Remove postinst as it consists only of the problematic and
      superfluous mktexlsr call.
    Thanks to all the people who helped to analyze and to resolve this
    problem.  Closes: #863890

It's quite important that this fix gets included into stretch, as it
will avoid jessie-stretch upgrade problems for systems with dblatex
installed.  Thus shamelessly adding those to cc: who have been involved
in analyzing and resolving this problem until now.

Thanks, Andreas
Andreas Hoenen <>
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