Control: tags -1 moreinfo Re: Lucas Nussbaum 2017-06-02 <> > > pg_regress: initdb failed > > Examine /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/build/src/test/regress/log/initdb.log for the > > reason. > > Command was: "initdb" -D > > "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/build/src/test/regress/./tmp_check/data" --noclean > > --nosync > "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/build/src/test/regress/log/initdb.log" 2>&1
Hi Lucas, I can't reproduce the problem on stretch/i386 here. Unfortunately the logic in debian/rules for printing initdb.log on failure doesn't really work - I've pushed a change to git that would fix it, but I'm unsure if that alone warrants a new upload. > LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > LC_ALL=POSIX Does the en_US.UTF-8 locale exist in the build environment? (LC_ALL should overwrite it, but that's my best guess at the moment.) Christoph