Control: tags -1 + patch


Enrico Rossi, on lun. 08 mai 2017 14:02:30 +0200, wrote:
> can you eventually provide a patch to the vocabulary
> ( with the result of this
> discussion?

Here is a patch.

diff --git a/debian-packages b/debian-packages
index 9fea1fb..ef050be 100644
--- a/debian-packages
+++ b/debian-packages
@@ -3,6 +3,44 @@ Status: needing-review
 Description: Accessibility Support
  Accessibility support provided by the package
+Tag: accessibility::accessible-via:at-spi
+Description: Accessibility through AT-SPI
+ Applies to applications which are technically accessible through AT-SPI, e.g.
+ the content of the interface can be accessed by the Orca screen reader.
+ .
+ This does not imply that the application is convenient to use, only that the
+ interface can be accessed.
+Tag: accessibility::accessible-with:brltty-braille
+Description: Accessibility through Braille with the BRLTTY screen reader
+ Applies to applications whose accessibility through Braille output from the
+ BRLTTY screen reader has been confirmed.
+Tag: accessibility::accessible-with:brltty-speech
+Description: Accessibility through speech with the BRLTTY screen reader
+ Applies to applications whose accessibility through speech output from the
+ BRLTTY screen reader has been confirmed.
+Tag: accessibility::accessible-with:orca-braille
+Description: Accessibility through Braille with the Orca screen reader
+ Applies to applications whose accessibility through Braille output from the
+ Orca screen reader has been confirmed.
+Tag: accessibility::accessible-with:orca-speech
+Description: Accessibility through speech with the Orca screen reader
+ Applies to applications whose accessibility through speech output from the
+ Orca screen reader has been confirmed.
+Tag: accessibility::accessible-with:speakup-speech
+Description: Accessibility through speech with the Speakup screen reader
+ Applies to applications whose accessibility through speech output from the
+ Speakup screen reader has been confirmed.
+Tag: accessibility::accessible-with:yasr-speech
+Description: Accessibility through speech with the YASR screen reader
+ Applies to applications whose accessibility through speech output from the
+ YASR screen reader has been confirmed.
 Tag: accessibility::input
 Description: Input Systems
  Applies to input methods for non-latin languages as well as special input

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