control: tags -1 patch
control: severity -1 important


zip as shipped currently with Debian squeeze lacks encoding support.
This is a widely known problem with some workarounds.

Seemingly the same problem is reported as

Apparently, Ubuntu, Arch, Redhat and FreeBSD ships (or shipped) patched
version of unzip to cope with this widely known encoding issue (it seems
this is a more than 10 year hanging issue.  Upstream change seemd to
broke old patch sometime in history.  But I see Ubuntu has an updated
patch.).  Knowing slow upstream, maybe it is good idea to apply a patch
to fix this shortcomings on Debian too.

Arch bug and patch in 2009:

Ubuntu discussion on this bug is here:

In this:
  Mathew Hodson (mathew-hodson) wrote on 2016-05-16:    #198
I've closed the remaining tasks. This particular bug was fixed in
Precise and later. For remaining issues in p7zip and file-roller, see
Bug #1382106 and Bug #495880

Current Ubuntu fixed this bug and its diff is here:

unzip (6.0-21ubuntu1) artful; urgency=low

  * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
    - Add patch from archlinux which adds the -O option, allowing a charset
      to be specified for the proper unzipping of non-Latin and non-Unicode

Looks quite reasonable.

The same patch has been in use from unzip version 6.0-19ubuntu1 packaged
by Sebastien Bacher <>  Fri, 23 Oct 2015 15:58:43 +0200

So this patch should have been well tested by know!

As long as we apply the same patch as Ubuntu, security concern is
minimal, too.  (I understand that, with so many recent CVE fixes, you may
be very conservative deviating from the upstream.)

If you don't feel like updating under freeze, please seriously consider
uploading right after the release and backporting.



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