Doing it in a script is one more step. The point of this endavour is to
make the setup as simple as possible.

On that note, the awkward newgrp step afterwards still irks me.

On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 8:43 AM, Geert Stappers <>

> On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 11:34:37PM +0200, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> >
> > Find attached the first draft of my suggestion. I implemented it as a
> > separate package purely so that I can build it more quickly, but I assume
> > we???d want to fold this into src:sbuild eventually.
> >
> > The resulting package (I built it using dpkg-buildpackage -b) depends on
> > sbuild, schroot, debootstrap, perl-base, lintian. Upon installation, it
> > will create an unstable sbuild schroot, modify its configuration, add all
> > users to sbuild and create a modified ~/.sbuildrc for all users.
> >
> > If you want to read through the entire behavior, I recommend the
> > entrypoints debian/postinst and update-sbuild-chroots.
> the debian/postinst now here inline
> #!/bin/sh
> set -e
> # TODO: make this package pass piuparts
> # Add to group sbuild all “dynamically allocated user accounts”; see
> #
> for user in $(getent passwd | perl -F: -nlE '$F[2] >= 1000 && $F[2] <=
> 59999 && say $F[0]')
> do
>     # Strictly speaking, we should use sbuild-adduser, but sbuild-adduser
> prints
>     # setup instructions to STDERR which do not make sense in the context
> of
>     # this package. Filtering STDERR is cumbersome, so we call adduser
> directly.
>     adduser --quiet -- "$user" sbuild
> done
> # TODO: maybe add a “setup” suffix into the generated chroot name for
> easier trouble-shooting (we’ll immediately know who created the chroot
> initially)
> # Create a chroot if it does not already exist
> chroot="unstable-$(dpkg --print-architecture)-sbuild"
> if ! schroot -i -c chroot:${chroot} >/dev/null 2>&1
> then
>     sbuild-createchroot \
>         --include=eatmydata,ccache,gnupg \
>         unstable \
>         /srv/chroot/${chroot} \
>     # At this point, sbuild-createchroot created an schroot configuration
> with a
>     # random suffix, e.g. /etc/schroot/chroot.d/unstable-amd64-sbuild-pyViYe.
> As
>     # sbuild-createchroot recommends, we rename that file before making
>     # adjustments.
>     mv /etc/schroot/chroot.d/${chroot}-* /etc/schroot/chroot.d/${chroot}
> fi
> # schroot config customizations:
> config=/etc/schroot/chroot.d/${chroot}
> tmp=$(mktemp ${config}-XXXXXX.dpkg-tmp)
> trap 'rm -f "${tmp}"' TERM INT EXIT QUIT
> grep -v -E '^(aliases|command-prefix)=' "${config}" > "${tmp}"
> # For convenience, treat UNRELEASED as an alias for unstable (so that
> # debian/changelog files containing UNRELEASED do not need to be modified
> before
> # building). Also sid, because it is short to type when specifying -d.
> echo "aliases=UNRELEASED,sid" >> "${tmp}"
> # Enable eatmydata: occasionally losing a test build is preferable over
> longer
> # build times and disk wear.
> echo "command-prefix=eatmydata" >> "${tmp}"
> chmod 644 "${tmp}"
> mv "${tmp}" "${config}"
> # Copy a modified example sbuildrc config file
> for homedir in $(getent passwd | perl -F: -nlE '$F[2] >= 1000 && $F[2] <=
> 59999 && say $F[5]')
> do
>     userconfig="${homedir}/.sbuildrc"
>     if [ ! -e "${userconfig}" ]
>     then
>         (grep -v -E "^(# don't remove this|1;\$)" 
> /usr/share/doc/sbuild/examples/example.sbuildrc
> && cat /usr/share/doc/sbuild-debian-setup/sbuildrc) > "${userconfig}"
>     fi
> done
> # bind-mount the apt archive cache into chroots, so that packages are
> downloaded
> # only once. The assumption is that users will not typically have a local
> apt
> # mirror or caching proxy.
> if ! grep -q '^/var/cache/apt/archives' /etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab
> then
>     echo "/var/cache/apt/archives /var/cache/apt/archives none rw,bind 0
> 0" \
>          >>/etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab
> fi
> if [ ! -e "/etc/schroot/setup.d/04tmpfs" ]
> then
>     echo ""
>     echo "  If you can spare the RAM, you can enable building in tmpfs
> using:"
>     echo ""
>     echo "    sudo ln -s /etc/schroot/setup-available.d/overlays-in-tmpfs
> /etc/schroot/setup.d/04tmpfs"
>     echo ""
> fi
> exit 0
> > I tested this package on my notebook, which is a Debian installation on
> > which I never had sbuild installed, so I???m reasonably confident that
> the
> > package works ??? at least to the point that one gets an sbuild
> installation
> > that builds packages.
> >
> > I???d be happy about any feedback. Thanks!
> What was/is the idea of doing this in an additional packages?
> Why not in an additional script?
> Groeten
> Geert Stappers
> --
> Leven en laten leven

Best regards,

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