I don't like the nomenclature chosen by the person whom select software that will be insert into Debian repository. This is a note since I 'm in the Debian mentors file. If a package has a bad name, please ask first the upstream to change it because we are in obligation to follow the nomenclature's politic of Debian. If there are no nomenclature clauses, I purpose to Debian to raise a draft to normalize the packages names selected to be integrated into Debian. Regards, 2017-05-13 3:18 GMT+02:00 Jacob Adams <tookm...@gmail.com>: > On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 02:38:26AM +0200, Ali Mezgani wrote: > > Hello, > > > > > > I don't like the nomenclature of the package. > > Could you explain why please? This package has existed in Debian under the > name "9wm" > since 1999, so there would have to be a very good reason to change the > name. > > Thanks, > Jacob > -- Ali Mezgani Linux System Engineer Tél : +212 679 119 530