
Given delays, and to avoid autoremoval, maybe we could remove the
initscript so that the package to be iostallable? And documenting how to
run it manually?


Le 23/04/2017 à 11:04, Paul Gevers a écrit :
> Control: reassign -1 speech-dispatcher
> Control: retitle -1 breaks with pulse-audio as output when spawned by 
> speechd-up from init system
> Control: affects -1 speechd-up
> On 22-04-17 22:01, Paul Gevers wrote:
>> On 22-04-17 21:26, Cobra wrote:
>>> I was thinking of reassigning to the current speech-dispatcher version
>>> as "breaks with pulse output when spawned by speechd-up from init
>>> system", keeping the RC level.
>> Please go ahead.
> Done so now. Let's not wait unnecessary.
> Summary for speech-dispatcher contributors:
> speechd-up is failing to install (on several systems) because the
> init script fails to start successfully. The success or failure of
> starting speechd-up depends on
> 1) which output is used by speech-dispatcher, with alsa it work, but
>    with the default pulse-audio it doesn't
> 2) how the speechd-up daemon is started, calling the init script fails
>    but calling the exact same start-stop-daemon command manually on
>    the command line succeeds.
> The following remark may be spurious. While debugging, we
> noticed that the directory that contains the speech-dispatcher socket
> may depend on which init system is used. With systemd, it doesn't matter
> how speechd-up is called, it puts the socket in
> /root/.cache/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock while with sysvinit-core upon
> boot the socket is in
> /.cache/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock (after restarting it is in the same
> directory as with systemd)
> Paul

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