
so the package is completely unusable, right ? It is merely a
placeholder to make the Gradle android plugin compile, isn't it?

If so, I am wondering whether this should be a bug of gravity "grave":
"makes the package in question unusable or mostly so, [...]"

What would be needed to actually build the agent?

Thanks, Mt.

On Wed, Mar 08, 2017 at 10:15:41PM +0800, 殷啟聰 wrote:
> Hello Quinson,
> The current Debian package only provides 2 JARs: `org.jacoco.core.jar`
> and `org.jacoco.report.jar`. It is an incomplete package at the moment
> because building the whole project requires a lot more new packages.
> At the time when I was packaing it, JaCoCo was only used by the Gradle
> Android Plugin [1].
> Sorry for your inconvenience.
> [1]: https://packages.debian.org/unstable/libgradle-android-plugin-java

I may have accepted your paper, but I had better things to do so I didn't
read it. -- Bastard Reviewer From Hell

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