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On Mon, 2017-02-27 at 07:10 -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> Yes. I am aware of the version in Debian. The version in Debian needs to be
> > updated to the latest. But this won't happen in time for Debian Stretch due
> to
> > lack of time on my part.
> So this is just a matter of "not at current upstream version"?

At this time, Yes.

> I apologize for the noise, then. The dict.org Web lookup interface
> claims to be using version 0.48, which is a reasonable match for the
> Debian-installed version of 0.48.3; I thought I'd seen an 0.48 version
> number on the gcide.gnu.org.ua interface as well, but now that I look I
> don't see one, and the savannah.gnu.org project page says that version
> 0.51 is available (apparently since 2012!).

For quite a long time, upstream was inactive, which is when I decided to diverge
the Debian version of GCIDE because we had many user contributed patches.

Later some time, upstream got active again.

> Not having packaged the current upstream release is significantly less
> of a problem than missing definitions which are in the upstream instance
> of the packaged version.

Well. IIRC upstream would not have any version like in Debian. When we diverged
the Debian version, I switch to Debian native versioning for the package.

So 0.48.3 is a Debian specific version. Perhaps I should have emphasized that in
the version itself, something like: 0.48+dfsg3. But that is past now.

This should easily be solved by just packaging the newer version.

> I'd ask if there's anything I can do to help get the Debian version
> updated to the latest upstream release, but the fact that we're past the
> freeze date means there's probably not much point.

For Debian Stretch, yes, it is too late now.

Otherwise, if you have an interest in GCIDE, any help is welcome. The newer
versions of GCIDE do not work with Debian's older build setup.

Last I had tried, I recollect the format of the GCIDE data changed after 0.48,
which is what has led to the delay. I believe the newer format is much simpler
and needs no conversion. It should be easily consumable by the new dicod server.

So what needs to be done is to revive (or rather clean up) Debian GCIDE's build.
And then build the newer upstream versions of GCIDE as is recommended by

If you are familiar with Debian package building process, please feel free to
check out the GCIDE pacakge from the Debian git repo, import the new GCIDE
upstream version, and evaluate the build (failures).

Thanks for your interest in Debian GCIDE.

- -- 
Ritesh Raj Sarraf | http://people.debian.org/~rrs
Debian - The Universal Operating System


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