On 30.07.2010 23:53, Martin Sebald wrote: Hi Martin,
https://bugs.debian.org/591009 > I'm using ProFTPd with MySQL, no other modules. > > When trying to transfer a file with 1.3.3a-1 the client gets disconnected > after sending the file (sent file seems to be ok). With cmdline client the > connection just breaks, other clients (like Total Commander and FileZilla) > reconnect, so users might not be aware of that. FileZilla sometimes (just > sometimes) asks to overwrite the last file because it noticed some error > and wanted to try again - but just sometimes. > > Downgrade to 1.3.2e-4 solved the problem, everything works fine again. > > As 1.3.3a-1 is already in testing I thought this bug should be brought to > your attention. > Are you still able to reproduce the problem? Does http://bugs.proftpd.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3496 describes your problem? Hilmar -- http://www.hilmar-preusse.de.vu/ #206401 http://counter.li.org