On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 09:56:44AM +0100, Baptiste Jammet wrote: > Hello, > > Le 21/02/2017 01:09, Vincent McIntyre a écrit : > > >this is a start on the notes needed regarding mysql/mariadb. > >[...] > >Comments welcome. > Thanks for the patch. Here are some comments: > > > <row id="new-mysql"> > > <entry>MySQL<indexterm><primary>MySQL</primary></indexterm></entry> > > <entry>5.5</entry> > >- <entry>5.6</entry> > >+ <entry>-</entry> > Maybe we could remove the entire line instead. > Or mark the second column with <entry>removed</entry>. >
Sure, <entry>removed</entry> seens fine to me. > >+ Installing the metapackage XX will pull in YY > s/will pull in/will install/ ? > > >+ The <systemitem role="package">virtual-mysql-*</systemitem> packages > >+ will continue to exist. > I don't find any package named like this. Could you explain, please ? This was taken from an email thread of the mysql packagers and it was not all that clear to me either. I found an explanation here https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MySQL/virtual-mysql-server Since this seems to be something that only matters to packagers of mysql-related software, perhaps the sentence should be dropped? > > >+ See the <ulink url="http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MySQL">Debian MySQL > >Team > >+ wiki page</ulink> > s/http/https/ > > >+ software availble in Debian. > typo : available > Agree on these --