i have installed and no difference, as i said, firts i have mate, then i
switch to LXDE and lxpanel does not start anymore

i tried to debug or got some info but nothing, hangs all the environment at
star the panel

inclusivelly, if i changed the panel lxpanel in lxde-session by the fbpanel
LXDE start and works..

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2017-02-20 21:13 GMT-04:00 Andriy Grytsenko <and...@rep.kiev.ua>:

> control: tags -1 + jessie moreinfo
> Have you tried to install version 0.9.3-1 from Stretch? I've not managed
> to reproduce your issue yet but I suspect it is fixed in newer versions,
> and it might be some configuration issue from MATE desktop as well.

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