Matthias Bodenbinder <> writes:

> And by the way, this are the commands I use to compile DT:
> ./ --disable-gnome-keyring --prefix /home/software/darktable 
> --build-type Release
> cd build
> echo "darktable 2.2.1" > description-pak
> checkinstall --default --install=no --pkgname=darktable-mbo 
> --pkgversion=$version --docdir=$INST/share/doc
> Matthias

The debian package does not use I looks like does not
pass -DBINARY_PACKAGE_BUILD=1 to cmake.

To test this, you could run something like

mkdir -p dtbuild && cd dtbuild && cmake  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/darktable \

then I guess your same checkinstall should work.


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