On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 07:00:41PM +0100, Markus Koschany wrote:

> Thank you for the patch. I will apply this one today. Please note that
> this is simply a workaround for a limitation of Santiago's build
> environment.

Absolutely not.

This is basic Computer Science: Everything that you can do with
several CPU may be done with a single CPU as well (even if it's slower).

So having a single CPU is never to be considered a "limitation" in the
build environment (except by you, of course).

> This kind of error won't occur for the vast majority of the
> package's target audience.

We don't have "target audiences" to consider here. Packages *must* build
from source when the build-dependencies are met.

Your package had an undeclared "Build-CPU: 2", the problem is that
we don't have a Build-CPU control field, and you want to make
multi-core to be build-essential, bypassing all the decision-making
procedures in Debian.

You should really stop doing that. Multi-core is not part of
build-essential, and the standard to build packages is defined by the
build-essential definition and the build-depends.

Whatever the official build daemon of the day has (a single CPU or several,
a slow or a fast CPU), is *not* to be considered build-essential.


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