Hello, Great, I have been thinking too much at the technical aspect than about humans ;). I have setup an Alias so things should be fine, if there are still wishes then please let me know.
I do have one question as I noticed we may never been on the mirror list could you tell us if any thing else was wrong with the application back in the days? >From the old application a lot has now changed: > Archive-ftp: /pub/linux/debian/ *> Archive-http: /debian/ (Hidden alias ofcourse pointing to the same directory as /pub/linux/debian). > Archive-rsync: debian/ *> IPv6: yes *> Archive-upstream: debian.snt.utwente.nl > Updates: four If you require update via https://www.debian.org/mirror/submit just let me know and I will drop a visit right away to fill in the information :). Best regards, JeanPaul van der Mijle NOC Engineer NFOrce Entertainment BV Tel. +31 20 6919299 Fax. +31 20 6919409 Ticket Details --------------------------------- Ticket ID: 726285 Department: NOC Type: Default Status: Open Priority: Normal Helpdesk: https://ticketing.nforce.com/index.php?