Same behavior happens here.
Is it possible that multiple search domain entries in the dhcp packet trigger this problem? So instead of one entry being written twice it is two entries being concatenated without a newline and an additional 'search' keyword at the start of the line.

Following is a wireshark trace of our DHCP ACK. There are two search domain entries (Option 3) due to two name server entries.
---------------- snip ------------------------
Bootstrap Protocol (ACK)
    Message type: Boot Reply (2)
    Hardware type: Ethernet (0x01)
    Hardware address length: 6
    Hops: 0
    Transaction ID: 0x34e7e163
    Seconds elapsed: 0
    Bootp flags: 0x0000 (Unicast)
    Client IP address:
    Your (client) IP address:
    Next server IP address:
    Relay agent IP address:
    Client MAC address: Dell_50:03:a7
    Client hardware address padding: 00000000000000000000
    Server host name not given
    Boot file name: netboot/lpxelinux.0
    Magic cookie: DHCP
    Option: (53) DHCP Message Type (ACK)
    Option: (58) Renewal Time Value
    Option: (59) Rebinding Time Value
    Option: (51) IP Address Lease Time
    Option: (54) DHCP Server Identifier
    Option: (1) Subnet Mask
    Option: (28) Broadcast Address
    Option: (3) Router
        Length: 4
    Option: (15) Domain Name
        Length: 11
        Domain Name: company.local
    Option: (6) Domain Name Server
    Option: (28) Broadcast Address
    Option: (3) Router
        Length: 4
    Option: (15) Domain Name
        Length: 11
        Domain Name: company.local
    Option: (6) Domain Name Server
    Option: (44) NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Server
    Option: (42) Network Time Protocol Servers
    Option: (252) Private/Proxy autodiscovery
    Option: (255) End
-------------- snap -----------------

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