I call for votes on the following resolution with regards to #846002:

==== RESOLUTION ====


The blends-tasks package was uploaded in April 2016 setting its priority to
important.  The result of this change was that the package started getting
automatically installed by debootstrap, with the intended effect of causing the
list of tasks shipped by the package to be displayed by tasksel in the

Even though the debian-installer maintainer complained in May 2016 that he did
not agree with this approach with regards to including external packages in the
default tasksel screen, the important priority remains until today.

In December 2016, changes were made in the tasksel package so that it no longer
automatically displays external tasks as part of the debian-installer.

The current state is that chroots created by debootstrap in unstable or testing
include the blends-tasks package, although the shipped tasks are not getting
displayed during the default installation.

In #846002, the Technical Committee was asked by Holger Levsen to rule on the
priority of the blends-tasks package.  In the discussion that followed, the
Committee was asked by Ole Streicher to additionally rule on whether the Blends
selection should be part of the Debian Stretch installer and who should maintain
the list of options displayed to the user in the future.

Using the power of the Technical Committee to make a decision when asked to do
so (§6.1.3):

1. We acknowledge that the decision of which tasks to display during
installation falls within the jurisdiction of the debian-installer maintainers.

2. In the Committee's opinion the use of important priority is not appropriate
for the blends-tasks package according to the definition in the Debian policy
(§2.5).  As it was set only as a means to an end, and since it no longer does
what was intended, we recommend that this change gets reverted.

3. We encourage the debian-installer maintainers to work together with other
teams -including the blends-tasks maintainers- to provide useful and popular
package selections through the debian-installer in future releases.


Please vote [A] for acknowledging that this is under the jurisdiction of the
debian-installer maintainers, and [FD] for Further Discussion.


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