Package: texlive-latex-recommended

Version: 2014.20141024-2

System: Debian Jessie (updated)

Description: The Beamer package is buggy and does not work as in current TeXlive versions

When processing enumerate items with "ball" shapes, the color of the projected numbers is black (I assume, the default foreground color), instead of white. Explicitly setting "\setbeamercolor{item projected}{fg=white}" does not work either.

Example file:
%% begin example file
% what follows is not necessary
\setbeamercolor{item projected}{fg=white}
  \item One
  \item Two
  \item Three
%% end example file

Result: With Jessie texlive, the numbers on the balls are black. With current texlive, they are white.

I do not know how to fix this, but it is fixed in newer versions of beamer.


Ricard Torres

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