It's only because mentors doesn't support version=4.
That's right - I tested the watch files for all of my packages and they work
fine locally.
For rpyc I chose GitHub rather than PyPI as the upstream tarball source since
the former includes the tests and such, however there was a disagreement over
the spelling of the version number for the current release. PyPI has 3.3.0 but
GitHub has 3.3 - I added a uversionmange to turn version X.Y into X.Y.0 to
normalise this since they normally use three components in the version string:
opts="filenamemangle=s/.+\/v?(\d\S*)\.tar\.gz/rpyc-$1\.tar\.gz/, \
uversionmangle=s/-[rR][cC]/~rc/; s/(^\d+\.\d+)([^.]*$)/$1.0$2/" \ .*/v?(\d\S*)\.tar\.gz debian
So the automatic d/watch template won't really work for this package anyway.