[2015-11-16 10:16] Dmitry Smirnov <only...@debian.org>
> part 1     text/plain                 436
> Package: runit
> Version: 2.1.2-3
> Severity: wishlist
> There is an interesting project:
>     https://github.com/pixers/runit-docker
> that changes the way how signals are handled by "runsvdir" in a docker-
> friendly manner.
> It would be nice to include that functionality to "runsvdir" (activated by
> command line option) instead of packaging "runit-docker" separately...

Now I (debian maintainer) != Gerrit Pape (upstream maintainer), so I am
not in position to make such changes. Adding Gerrit into thread, in case
he is willing to accept this feature upstream.

But here is my review: At brief glance it seems that you are asking for
is 'runsvdir' to ignore 'SIGTERM'. Why? SIGTERM has rather well-known
meaning, and violating it seems bad idea.

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