On 01/05/2017 12:10 PM, Christian Seiler wrote:
> On 01/05/2017 07:10 PM, Andrew Patterson wrote:
>> On 01/04/2017 04:11 PM, Christian Seiler wrote:
>>> OTOH, initramfs should write to /run/initramfs only, so maybe
>>> we should pass -p /run/initramfs/iscsiuio.pid to iscsiuio
>>> instead as well.
>> Yes. I believe that will work. I wonder why this option is not in the
>> man-page.
> -ENOTIME on part of the developers perhaps. ;-)
>>> The ideal solution would be to mirror the check that is done
>>> for -b in -N. In that case we'd either configure the host
>>> interface (and use software iSCSI), or configure offloading
>>> (and use hardware iSCSI), but never both, and never neither.
>>> So instead of the current patch for #850057 I would suggest
>>> to do that instead. That should then also be upstream-able. I
>>> can prepare a patch for that tomorrow.

Sounds good.

>> That was my thought. However, I don't think you can programaticaly
>> determine whether the card is configured for iscsi offload.
> Well, according to the commit message I referenced in my
> previous email [1], we have the following situation:
>  - cxgb*i: always use offloading (which will apparently work,
>    since offloading will reuse the MAC address)
>  - bnx2*i: look at the MAC address to see if the MAC address
>    from iBFT matches the offloading mac: if so, assume
>    offloading, if not, assume software
>  - otherwise: always assume software
> This is what the code bracketed by -DOFFLOAD_BOOT_SUPPORTED
> checks for, and we just need to mirror that code (or better:
> extract into an own function and call it from both places)
> for -b.
> I'll prepare a patch, you can then test it.
> [1] 
> https://github.com/open-iscsi/open-iscsi/commit/ee115be828362653478e6fe7cd4c6ee3318223ff
>> It looks like iscsuio is complaining about a missing libgcc:
>> writev(2, [{"libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed "..., 59]], 1) = 59
>> which is indeed missing.  I think pthreads needs libgcc, but shouldn't
>> copy_exec take care of this?
> Nope, since libgcc_s.so is dlopened() by pthread_cancel. So
> the automatic library dependency detection doesn't work
> properly.
> We are not the only ones with that problem; luckily someone
> already wrote a patch that does just this for btrfs, we can
> just steal that:
> https://bugs.debian.org/830883

I tested this "fix". iscsiuio/iscsistart -b is working now.

> I'll work on an updated package.
> Regards,
> Christian

Andrew Patterson
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

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