* Juha Jäykkä <ju...@iki.fi> [2016-11-26 19:09 +0000]:

> I think pulseaudio gets started by libasound.so.2 when it parses alsa.conf.d 
> because pulseaudio has placed the above file there.

If pulsaudion is installed it runs as a per user session by default.
To prevent starting pulse just

$ echo "autospawn=no" >> $HOME/.pulse/client.conf.

You can now kill the pulseaudio process with out restarting it
again. See alsa /usr/share/doc/pulseaudio/README.Debian.

To make this as a default I have this in my shell login script
(i.e .zlogin)
echo " Shutdown pulseaudio"
     if [ -x /usr/bin/pulseaudio ]; then
        if [ "$(pulseaudio --check 2>/dev/null)" = 0 ]; then
           pulseaudio -k
           echo " No pulsedaemon found"

    /V\   L   I   N   U   X
   /( )\ >Phear the Penguin<

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