]] Philip Hands 

> The menu is now:
> --> standard ("${DESKTOP}") desktop                           <--
>     standard server [text-only console & 'ssh' remote access]
>     other use cases
> I get the feeling that the 'standard' is pretty redundant, but just
> 'desktop' and 'server' seems wrong too.

As a data point: To me, as somebody who knows Debian reasonably well,
I'd associate «standard» with the priority level, which would make me
unlikely to want to choose that option, since it installs half the
universe.  I don't know whether your «standard + $X» options are
priority >= standard + the specific task, or if it's «base OS»
(debootstrap's base + kernel + boot loader, essentially) + $X.

> I'm tempted to make the third option "All Other Routes" (or whatever the
> locale has on it's road signs to indicate that you're heading out of
> town)

There is no such thing in my locale.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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