Am 09.12.2016 um 22:16 schrieb D. B.:

> William's and my patches only resolve assertion failures, which were in
> part revealed by the Debian patches to prevent offscreen grabs:
> William's patch fixed an oversight in GtkCellRendererCombo, where the
> trigger event was not passed and failed an upstream assertion. This was
> forgotten for cherry-picking to 3.22, so I did that as part of merging my
> patch from master. My patch was for a parallel issue: some dodgy ordering
> of menu grab vs realise in GtkComboBox (with particular sets of properties)
> - which caused an assertion in Debian patch 016 to fail.
> So, if you want to prevent offscreen grabs, currently patches 016 and 017
> seem to be still required. 

Ok, so I'll keep those for two for now.

Near or identical patches are submitted
> upstream, and reviewed quite positively, but they don't seem to have gone
> any further than that. Maybe you'd like to request an update there?
> That's the thread with a reviewed patch against offscreen grabs for both
> widgets and devices, which AFAICT would cover both patches 016 and 017. It
> might be worth asking for an update, now that it wouldn't generate errors
> on Debian et al if merged.

Should we close this bug report then with the 3.22.5-1 upload, now that
the warnings are addressed or would you prefer we keep it open to track
the progress of bgo#658563 ?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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