On 09.12.2016 08:59, Philipp Ittershagen wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 04 2016, Uli Schlachter wrote:
>> I had the same problem and I can confirm that creating the following
>> file fixed this issue for me:
>> $ cat /etc/systemd/system/apt-daily.timer.d/10-depend-on-network.conf
>> [Unit]
>> After=network-online.target
> I tried adding the dependency (and to the service as well), but it does
> not work.  The `network-online.target` is not deactivated on my setup
> when suspending.  It rather stays active across suspend/resume cycles
> and the requirement for the apt-daily unit(s) is always met.  Did you
> change anything on that regard?

No, I did not, but I don't use suspend/resume. I had this problem only
right after booting.

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 - Majic

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