Hi Michael,
On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 12:34:56PM +0100, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> Hi Axel and Guido,
> Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org> writes:
> > But it would be nice to do the pushing of branches and tags in one
> > short DWIM command instead of two short commands or one long command
> > (git push + git push --tags or listing all refs manually), like "dpt
> > push" does. So I extended "dpt push" to parse gbp.conf files, so that
> > I can use it outside the Debian Perl Group, too, e.g. for the Debian
> > Zsh Maintainers.
> I do agree, pushing in one command is much more user-friendly than not
> providing any help when pushing. I used to forget pushing the
> pristine-tar/upstream branches and/or tags _ALL THE TIME_.
> It was such a big problem for me that I wrote a custom wrapper for gbp
> clone, which would set up the repository in such a way that I couldn’t
> forget anymore:
>         # This tells git to push all branches at once,
>         # i.e. if you changed upstream and debian (after git-import-orig),
>         # both upstream and debian will be pushed when running “git push”.
>         git config push.default matching
>         # This tells git to push tags automatically,
>         # so you don’t have to use “git push && git push --tags”.
>         git config --add remote.origin.push "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"
>         git config --add remote.origin.push "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*"
> Needless to say, the above could easily be added to gbp clone, so that
> at least newly cloned repositories would be set up accordingly.
> What do you think of the solution above, i.e. configuring git so that
> “git push” is all that’s necessary, instead of introducing a new “gbp
> push” command? Would a corresponding patch be accepted into
> git-buildpackage?

Thanks for looking into this. I think we need a "gbp push" after all
since matching strategy might be too broad: you might not want to push
changes for all releases and you might want to upload what you just
built in one go.

[gbp-posttag-push][0] does parts of the job already. It mostly needs
some cleanup and robustness to be turned into a gbp-push.

 -- Guido


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