2016-11-23 15:45 GMT+01:00 Paolo Greppi <paolo.gre...@libpf.com>:
> On 23/11/2016 14:57, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> Npm is an *alternative* to using Debian packaged nodejs code.
>> Users of Debian cannot tell anything about how same or similar tasks
>> could be solved using Debian, because they evidently stopped trying.
> Jonas,
> I beg to slightly differ on the point below.
> I think of npm or yarn/yarnpkg as the equivalent for the nodejs
> ecosystem of python virtualenv. There are workflows where you'd want to
> maintain a certain configuration of a webapp, phonegap app or website
> using a local set of modules / pinned versions.
> Getting npm / yarn into Debian is a high priority task to expand the
> Debian user base.
> If we have those, from there on all the web developers of the world can
> run npm without the -g option and maintain their projects as they like,
> possibly using a mixture of globally installed binaries and locally
> installed modules.
> Paolo

Ha right, about that:
currently (for fear we would make a big mess) if you install
debian package node-soso and then in a project you do
`npm install soso`
it *will* pull soso module from npmjs repository.

Any other behavior should be provided by a package
npm-integration (like rubygems-integration).


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