Package: opendkim
Version: 2.11.0~alpha-7
Usertags: colis-shparser


the postinst of opendkim contains this line, outside of a function definition:

  install -o "$USER" -g "$GROUP" -m 755 -d "$RUNDIR" || return 2

However, the POSIX standard says:

  The return utility shall cause the shell to stop executing the current
  function or dot script. If the shell is not currently executing a function
  or dot script, the results are unspecified.

This "return" should probaly be an "exit".

Cheers -Ralf.
Ralf Treinen
Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale
Équipe Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes
Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France.

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