¡Hola David!

El 2016-10-30 a las 19:09 +0100, David Rabel escribió:
in a fresh testing installation with cinnamon, the default applications to open files are not always plausible. Actually every plain text file is opened with libreoffice-writer when doubleklicking it. This is probably not wanted. A plain text file should probably be opened by the standard text editor gedit.

I am not sure if this is an issue related to the cinnamon package, or maybe libreoffice or gedit. So I am posting here in the hope that you can help me. :-)

Apparently it should be added to cinnamon-desktop.

The preferred desktop applications should be configured in /usr/share/applications/$desktop-mimeapps.list
in the cinnamon case it should be:

Fedora adds this file with some minor changes from what the gnome-mimeapps.list ships.

I'm not completely convinced that this is the right way to set things, but it's easy enough to change the default associations from the user interface, and the preferred application should be ignored if it's not present, so I guess this shouldn't hurt us much.

On the other hand, this information changes quite often adding/removing/renaming mimetypes and desktop files, and there are many situations where there is no clear default (emacs or vim?, firefox or chromium?). This might end up being a burden. :(

Also I'm not sure that we could even upstream this file, as we would need to patch it to change the linuxmint specific apps to something that we ship, and also change the corresponding desktop file names when they are renamed. (for example, gedit was renamed from gedit.desktop to gnome.gedit.desktop, and now to org.gnome.gedit.desktop)

It seems to have something to do with the mime types. Here is a line from my /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache:

This file is generated and it doesn't contain a significant order, it's a reverse mapping of the information available in the desktop files.

Also there is a lot like text/x-c=vim.desktop; text/x-c++=vim.desktop;

Although I guess that also here gedit should be the standard editor and not vim.

This is configured in gedit's desktop file, you might want to create a wishlist bug for gedit.

Happy hacking,
"If you have too many special cases, you are doing it wrong." -- Craig Zarouni
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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