On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 05:17:53AM +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> I think firebird support is exotic enough, that it shouldn't be

Maybe, yes.

But it's (well, was) the only alternative to have the internal embedded database
not being hsqldb (thus Java). This firebird thing is *not* for connecting
to firebird but for the embedded db.

> installed by default, which is currently the case via
> libreoffice->libreoffice-base->libreoffice-base-drivers->libreoffice-sdbc-firebird

Which was completely intended.

> I just did a fresh GNOME stretch installation, and was suprised to find
> the following packages being installed:

You reported this against

Package: libreoffice-base-drivers
Version: 1:5.2.3~rc1-4

but that one hasn't a libreoffice-sdbc-firebird built anymore (see changelog
for the reason, uncoodinated transition LO isn't at all ready for.). So how
did you get libreoffice-sdbc-firebird pulled it? Except if your apt still knew
it because you had something else in sources.list, too? (exeprimentak wouldn't
have caused
> firebird2.5-common-doc                                install
> firebird2.5-common                            install
> firebird2.5-server-common                     install
> firebird3.0-common-doc                                install
> firebird3.0-common                            install
> libreoffice-sdbc-firebird                     install

given the upload didn't yet arrive there and if it was it'd have installed
5.3 alpha1 and firebird 3.0 ;)

> Thanks for considering.

Trust me, I did consider already where to put it, and IMHO it's more warranted
to give people a alternative to Java than leaving it out in a Suggests people
won't install.
(Ok, then again you still wouuld need to enable Experimental Features in LO
to actually use it, but that's an other story)



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