Package: libmozilla-ldap-perl The module Mozilla::LDAP::API is supposed to provide a thin wrapper around the LDAP API provided by OpenLDAP. The OpenLDAP documentation includes the following for the ldap_init method:
The host parameter may contain a blank-separated list of hosts to try to connect to, and each host may optionaly by of the form host:port. This specification predated OpenLDAP, but it doesn't work in the current version of Mozilla::LDAP::API. At some point the thin wrapper around the OpenLDAP provided ldap_init method was replaced by the following code in API.xs: LDAP * ldap_init(host,port) const char * host const char * port PREINIT: char * url = NULL; int url_len = 0; CODE: RETVAL = NULL; /* Create the LDAP URL */ if (host && port) { url_len = strlen(host) + strlen(port) + 10; url = (char *)perldap_malloc(url_len); snprintf(url, url_len, "ldap://%s:%s/", host, port); ldap_initialize(&RETVAL, url); perldap_free((void *)url); } OUTPUT: RETVAL Which clearly does not support muliple hosts. Upstream is dead, at least the upstream mentiond in debian/control and debian/changelog and it looks like the most recent upstream has not bothered to upload the package to CPAN which only haves version 1.4 (which wraps ldap_init correctly). //Makholm