Hi Daniele,

* Daniele E. Domenichelli <ddomeniche...@drdanz.it> [2016-08-18 19:25]:
> Done. Also ros-control-msgs and ros-move-base contain action files, I
> moved them as well inside the msgs package.

Awesome, thanks a lot! I will start uploading the new versions now. Note
that they have to go through the new queue, so it will take some time
before they will hit unstable.

> I just realized that I named the package "ros-std-srvs" but perhaps it
> should have been ros-std-srvs-msgs, what do you think?

I think it's fine, I added it to ros-metapackages as well.

> I don't know if there are others, but I couldn't find any other here
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-science/packages/ros and using
> apt-file, etc.

No, they are all listed there.

> I added each package in the same meta-package as the relative -dev
> (sorry, I pushed by mistake one broken commit, fixed in the following
> one, I don't know if you want to use "gbp dch" for this).

No problem, I edit them.

> The "libcontrol-msgs-dev" package was not in any of them, so I didn't
> add it.

ros-control-msgs is not released into Debian yet.

Cheers Jochen

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