>this version was a source only upload. If I build on my local machine >emboss-data does not contain any dir /usr/share/man. However, the >binary package on the Debian mirror contains /usr/share/man/man1 with >has two symlinks which are identical to those in the emboss package. seems you didn't split the dh_link into an arch-indep and an arch-dep target, and you do the same link regardless of which package they will go inside. so, the links for the arch-indep seems to be created when building the arch-dep packages. >I can not reproduce this and I'm wondering why the source only upload >creates files that are not created on a local build. probably your local build is broken and builds only arch-dep packages? I can't say without a build log. (note: I didn't really debug this issue, the rules file seems overly complicated to me) G.