Hello Massimo, On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 08:56:40AM +0200, Massimo Maiurana wrote: > The backtrace below is generated from a dumped core on debian stretch. In > this case icedove was not running in safe mode, but it had no extension > enabled and it previously crashed even in safe mode. If I knew how to get it > to crash I could get more info, but sometimes it doesn't crash for some days > and other times it segvs many times in a single day.
the log is fine ... but from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=823007#35 > ... > And please append your log as an attachement (so it's not line wrapped) > to a suitable bug report. the log is line wrapped, it's really time consuming to read. And some relevant parts in the beginning are missing. :-( Please follow the instruction from wiki next time. Regards Carsten