Here's a hint at the source of the problem:
XFree86 Xlib calls setlocale(3), but with values in
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/. If you - particularly after an upgrade - get
a "Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C", then have a
look into locale.alias in that directory and adjust it, in case.
(Details from Olav Kvittem.)


The /usr/share/X11/locale dir contains these files:

Which may also need to be updated if/when one creates a custom locale.

Note also:

At the end of this tutorial:

is the suggestion to add your custom locale (or make sure the locale you
wish to use is found in there I guess) to this file:

Yet, after all the above have been updated, still no go starting a new
xterm, still the error:
"Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C"

I guess next step is to try logout/login, or reboot.

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