2016-08-11 3:20 GMT+02:00 Jeremy Bicha <jbi...@ubuntu.com>:
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 8:55 PM, Matthias Klumpp <m...@debian.org> wrote:
>> It's definitely showing up in Debian Testing, I just checked that. It
>> is visible in GNOME Software and has all the data when I run
>> `appstreamcli get vlc.desktop --details` too.
>> (the only difference here might be that I am running GNOME Software
>> git master, but that really shouldn't have an impact).
> Could you please check with the gnome-software that's in testing?
> Although this bug was noticed on Ubuntu, I did confirm that vlc is
> missing in Debian Testing before filing this bug.

I shows up with all data using GNOME Software from testing here...
Can you find it with appstreamcli?
Does running `apt update` help?

> And how about getting gnome-software updated in Debian? 3.20.4 has
> quite a few bug fixes.

It's slightly outdated because I only have limited time and a lot of
projects and packages to care for - updating GS will happen
eventually, as soon as I find the time.

>> A short-term fix will be having someone (Laney) reprocess the vlc
>> package and checking that Ubuntu's Contents.gz file is up-to-date.
> I assume you'll be following up with Laney about that.

Jup, there are some Ubuntu-specific things missing in asgen still
(langpacks support), as soon as that is in place Ubuntu can use the
new solution.
I am working with Laney on that (or rather, Laney is working on that ^^)


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