On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Yves-Alexis Perez <cor...@debian.org> wrote:
> Does that include the recent modifications done by Simon (I noticed you were
> active on github issue #120 so I guess so). Also, I'm not sure debian/watch is
> really working: how do you rebuild orig here? Can you provide a README.source?

Yes, my greybird packaging includes the GTK 3.20 branch up to yesterday.

I just pushed a README.source for greybird. It's a good idea because
unfortunately git packaging in Debian is still complicated and not
fully standardized.

Let me know if it's still unclear or my instructions don't work.

Because historically, we often end up releasing Git snapshots for
these themes, I didn't think it was useful to try to use gbp's
pristine-tar option. And as you can see from the README.source, my
workflow doesn't really use debian/watch.

> I'm not completely sure but I think you should be able to have write access to
> the collab-maint area, where it'd be easier to “co”-maintain the packages, I
> think.

Yes, I'm in the collab-maint team so I can push there. I just didn't
want to push such a major change without checking with the maintainer

Thank you,

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