Sorry i havn't any knownledge about keepalived conception. I just
observe that it is a regression (the previous testing package was
working fine) and stacktraces are the sames
I'm using the debian default kernel.
I have built a home deb from the github master branch, and now it is
working like a charm.
On 07/21/2016 10:09 AM, Alexander Wirt wrote:
severity 830955 normal
merge 830955 544700
On Wed, 13 Jul 2016, Mathieu Ruellan wrote:
Package: keepalived
Version: 1.2.20-1
Severity: critical
Justification: causes serious data loss
Dear Maintainer,
Could you please update the keepalived to fix this issue?
We never supported non-default kernels with strange options. However, I am
currently preparing an update to 1.2.23. Whilst reading the issue above, I
can't see where it relates to your bug. The issue talks about a segfault when
there are not VIPs configured. You are talking about CONFIG_IP_VS. Keepalived
never supported running it on kernels without CONFIG_IP_VS
So, are you sure the above issue is about your bug?