On 07/14/2016 03:10 PM, Santiago Vila wrote:
> Greetings.
> I have the ok from the Release Managers to consider this issue as RC
> for stretch. I'm going to wait at least one week before raising
> this to "serious".
> If you need help to fix this bug, please tag it as "help".

Hi Santiago,

I took a look at it and this is a more general issue with the
maven-repo-helper DH sequencer and the fact that mh_install makes use of
'-i' with completely different semantics than those of debhelper.

Also, I'm kind of surprised that it's not affecting more packages.  It
seems like it could affect any package that uses DH construction like this:

        dh $@ --with maven_repo_helper

(In fact, I spot-checked a few other packages that use maven_repo_helper
in this way and confirmed that they fail in the same way.)

There are 320-odd packages that build-depend on maven-repo-helper,
although only a subset of them will use the DH sequencer.  Still, I
think the bug belongs there as a problem in the tool chain and not
against all of the packages that depend on it.

I'd like to discuss options with the Java Team.  For example, we could
change mh_install to ignore '-i' when not passed in conjunction with a
maven.ignoreRules file, or change the DH sequencer, and probably some
other better options that I'm not creative enough to think of right now.

Thank you,

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