Thanks Aaron! I'm really busy these days with other open fronts in MRPT, but will try to eventually fix this.
Best, On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 12:24 AM, Aaron M. Ucko <> wrote: > Source: mrpt > Version: 1:1.4.0-3 > Severity: important > Justification: fails to build from source > > Thanks for looking into the build failures I previously reported. > mrpt builds are in much better shape now, but the hppa build still fails: > > [ RUN ] CGPSInterface.parse_NMEA_RMC > unknown file: Failure > C++ exception with description " > > =============== MRPT EXCEPTION ============= > void mrpt::system::timestampToParts(mrpt::system::TTimeStamp, > mrpt::system::TTimeParts&, bool), line 120: > Assert condition failed: sec_frac<1.0 > " thrown in the test body. > [ FAILED ] CGPSInterface.parse_NMEA_RMC (8 ms) > > Could you please take a look? > > Thanks! -- ___________________________________________________________ Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco CITE-IV 1.05 Universidad de Almería, Departamento de Ingeniería 04120 Almería (Spain) ___________________________________________________________